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The ValidationTool is a standalone client-side application for certificates and OCSP responses validation and conformance checks.

Currently two different commands are available, one for OCSP and one for certificates. The purpose of the tool is to validate that the issued certificates and OCSP responses are as expected. A typical usage scenario is to, after setting up the system and determine that it is functioning correctly, configure a set of checks to be run either periodically or for instance after upgrades and configuration changes to make sure it is still functioning as expected.

The tool is independent of EJBCA version so the same tool can be used also after upgrading EJBCA.

Quick start


In the validationtool folder run:

ant jar        


The folder conf/sample1 contains sample OCSP checks and certificate checks configuration files that can be used as examples.

Configuration files are in Java Properties files format. The application expects ISO-8859-1 (latin1) encoding. Other characters can be escaped manually or by using a tool such as native2ascii.


To run the OCSP checks issue:

bin/validationtool.sh ocsp -url http://localhost:8080/ejbca/publicweb/status/ocsp -caconf conf/sample1/ocspchecks_adminca.properties

This will query the OCSP responder for three different results (good, revoked and unknown) as configured in ocspchecks_adminca.properties. For the tests to succeed you will have to replace the managementca.crt with the issuer of your OCSP responder certificates as well as changing the DN:s and serial numbers in the configuration file to match your installation. For more details see later sections of the manual.

To run the certificate checks issue:

bin/validationtool.sh certificate -conf conf/sample1/certchecks1.properties -certfolder ./certfolder

The tool will wait for certificate files to be placed in the folder called "certfolder". When a certificate file is detected it will be parsed and the configured certificate checks will be executed. You will have to configure certchecks1.properties with the tests that should be performed and their properties.


Results are written after all configured checks has run for a query or certificate file. By default the log is written to both standard output and a log file called validationtool.log. Log4j can be configured in conf/log4j.xml.

If the validation was successful, that is all checks for the current query or certificate file was successful, the results are logged with the INFO priority. Otherwise the ERROR priority is used.

For every check performed an entry is written in the report beginning with the result of the check, either SUCCESS, UNKNOWN or FAILURE. Success means that the check was successfully executed and the expected result obtained. Unknown means that the test could not be executed for instance because a certificate was not included in the OCSP response etc. Failure means that the test was executed but the expected result was not obtained.

For successful checks the name of the test as well as a short description is noted. For other results an more detailed description about what failed with the analyzed certificate or OCSP response is noted down.

Sample certificate validation output:

2012-07-31 15:21:22,208 ERROR : Validation results for: 
          Configuration:                    certchecks1.properties
          Certificate file:                 timestamp2.pem
          Certificate serial:               0x5c04ced718526417
          Certificate issuer:               CN=ManagementCA,O=PrimeKey Solutions AB,C=SE
          Certificate subject:              CN=Signer 1,C=SE
          Certificate fingerprint (SHA1):   05a219d835622653192c30eeeee8f01f918b30fb

[SUCCESS] CertCheck_Signature_algorithmEquals
          Compares the signature algorithm
          Expected:  1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
          Actual:    1.2.840.113549.1.1.5

[SUCCESS] CertCheck_SubjectDNComponents_required
          Checks that sampled certificate contains the required DN fields
          Expected:  At least [O, CN]
          Actual:    [O, OU, CN]

[FAILURE] CertCheck_SubjectDNComponents_identical
          Compares the values of the DN components configured to be identical
          Expected:  the following to be identical [C, O]
          Actual:    was different [O]
          Details:   [[O=[PrimeKey Solutions AB], [Organization 1]]]

Sample OCSP validation output:

2012-08-06 12:16:59,887 ERROR : Validation results for: 
          Server URL:            http://localhost:8080/ejbca/publicweb/status/ocsp
          Configuration:         ocspchecks_myca1.properties
          CA:                    CN=MyCA1,O=EJBCA Support,C=SE
          Query serial number:   0x168794fbd471c7fc
          Expected signer:       CN=Signer 2,O=EJBCA Support,C=SE
          Expected status:       good
          Request file:          ./failfolder/request936843811890885123.orq
          Response file:         ./failfolder/response6475558795694330535.ors

[SUCCESS] OcspCheck_ExpectedSigner
          Outputs whether a response was received from the expected signer or not
          Expected:  Response from signer with subject DN: "CN=OCSP Signer 1,O=Organization A,C=SE"
          Actual:    Response from signer with subject DN: "CN=OCSP Signer 1,O=Organization A,C=SE"

[FAILURE] OcspCheck_ExpectedStatus
          Checks that the returned certificate status is the expected
          Expected:  good
          Actual:    unknown

[SUCCESS] OcspCheck_Response_time
          Checks that the response was returned within the configured max time
          Expected:  responseTime <= 500
          Actual:    responseTime = 61


Command Line Interface (CLI)

The ValidationTool command line interface currently has two commands with the following syntax:

*** ocsp ***
bin/validationtool.sh ocsp

usage: ocsp [-url URL]... [-maxtries NUMBER] [-caconf CONFIGFILE]...
            [-failfolder FOLDER]
Run the OCSP healthcheck tool with the specifed CA configuration file(s)
 -caconf        CA configuration file. This option can be specified for
                every issuer to query.
 -failfolder    Folder to move requests and responses for which there were
                failures. If not specified, failures are not stored.
 -listchecks    Lists all the available checks and exists. No other
                options are required when using this.
 -maxtries      Maximum number of tries to perform before giving up
                getting a response from a particular responder.
 -url           URL of server to query. This option can be specified for
                every server to query.

Sample usages:
a) ocsp -listchecks
b) ocsp -url http://localhost:8080/ejbca/publicweb/status/ocsp -caconf
c) ocsp -url http://server1/status/ocsp -url http://server2/status/ocsp
-maxtries 5 -caconf ocspchecks_managementca.properties -caconf
d) ocsp -url http://localhost:8080/ejbca/publicweb/status/ocsp -caconf
ocspchecks_managementca.properties -failfolder ./failfolder

Multiple OCSP responder URL:s and CA configuration files can be specified as arguments to the command. Each URL will be queried with all queries as configured in each CA configuration file. This means that each URL should answer responses with the signer subject DN:s as specified in the configuration. This might only be useful in some situation like when one wants to test different URL:s to the same responders. To query different responders on different URLs the command can instead be invoked multiple times with the different URLs and matching configuration files.

If a folder for failures is specified the requests and responses which had failures will be outputted there.

The maxtries option decides the maximum number of times each query is sent before giving up trying to get a response from the specified responder. Default value is 5.

*** certificate ***
bin/validationtool.sh certificate

usage: certificate -conf CONFFILE -certfolder FOLDERPATH [-minfileage
                   2000] [-waittime 1000] [-failfolder FOLDER]
The certificate validation application monitoring and checking all
certificates in the specified folder.
 -certfolder    Folder to watch for certificates.
 -conf          File name of the configuration file to use.
 -failfolder    Folder to move certificates to for which there were
                failures. If not specified the files are deleted.
 -listchecks    Lists all the available checks and exists. No other
                options are required when using this.
 -minfileage    Minimum number of milliseconds since the last modified
                time before a file is up for inspection. Specify this to make it less
                likely a file is being checked before it has been completely written to
 -waittime      Time in milliseconds to wait before checking again if
                there were no files in the directory.

Sample usages:
a) certificate -listchecks
b) certificate -conf certchecks.properties -certfolder ./certfolder
c) certificate -conf certchecks.properties -certfolder ./certfolder
-minfileage 2000 -waittime 1000
d) certificate -conf certchecks.properties -certfolder ./certfolder
-failfolder ./failfolder

If a folder for failures is specified the certificates which had failures will be moved there.

It is important to not run multiple instances of the tool at the same time on the same folder as the tool will remove the tested certificates.


Certificate checks

The certificate check tool is run with one certificate checks configuration file. The file points out one template certificate to compare the certificates against as well as lists all checks to perform and their properties.

Sample cert check configuration:





checks.CertCheck_IssuerDNComponents_specified.dnparts=O\=PrimeKey Solutions AB,C\=SE

Each check is listed in the "checks" property separated by a comma sign. Properties for the checks (if required) are added in properties of the form checks.CHECKNAME.PROPERTYNAME=VALUE where CHECKNAME is the name of the check as it is written in the checks list and PROPERTYNAME is the name of a property the check is expecting. Checks might require 0 or more properties. The tool will exit with an error message if not all required properties are specified.

OCSP checks

The OCSP check tool can be feed with one or more CA configuration files. Each CA configuration file represents one CA issuing OCSP responder certificates. It defines a set of queries to send to the OCSP responders as well as lists all checks to perform and their properties.

Sample OCPS checks CA configuration:


ca.queries.revoked1.signersubjectdn=CN\=OCSPSigner1 MyCA1,OU=The Unit,O=The organization,L=Stockholm,C=SE

ca.queries.unknown1.signersubjectdn=CN\=OCSPSigner1 MyCA1,OU=The Unit,O=The organization,L=Stockholm,C=SE

ca.queries.good1.signersubjectdn=CN\=OCSPSigner1 MyCA1,OU=The Unit,O=The organization,L=Stockholm,C=SE



This example defines three queries to send, one with each OCSP response status - good, revoked or unknown for different certificate serial numbers. The idea is to configure the queries to be for certificate which are known to have a particular status in the CA database. The OCSP responder (signer) subject DN for the expected responder answering the request is also configured. Only responses from the expected responder is further examined. This could be particular useful if running queries against a load balancer or a virtual IP (VIP) with multiple responders behind and one wants to be sure that each responder is tested.

The ca.usenonce property determines if a nonce should be included or not when sending the queries. Default is to send a nonce (ca.usenonce=true).

Notice in this example that the check called OcspCheck_SignerCertificate is using a certificate checks configuration file (as described in previous section) and will also run all checks configured in that one against the responder certificate.

Available checks

Certificate checks

Compares the certificate with the template except for the certificate fields declared in the 'dynamicfields' set.
Notice that unless the certificates should match exactly many of the certificate fields would probably have to be added to the list.

Sample failure:

Expected:  Identical values for the fields: [version, serialNumber, issuer, validity, issuerUniqueID, subjectUniqueID]
Actual:    Different values for the fields: [serialNumber, issuer, validity]
serialNumber expected: 0x7d982c66a57c3430
serialNumber   actual: 0x4d69e649072cc0d8
issuer expected: C=SE, O=EJBCA Sample, CN=ManagementCA
issuer    actual: C=SE, O=EJBCA Support, CN=MyCA1
validity expected: [Sat Jun 03 17:33:39 CEST 2006, Fri May 29 17:43:39 CEST 2026]
validity    actual: [Wed Jul 04 20:04:07 CEST 2012, Sat Jul 02 20:04:07 CEST 2022]

Checks that sampled certificate contains the required DN fields

Sample failure:

Expected:  At least [L, O, CN]
Actual:    [O, CN]

Checks that sampled certificate contains the required DN fields

Sample failure:

Expected:  At least [L, O, CN]
Actual:    [O, CN]

Checks that sampled certified does not contain any other DN components than the allowed

Sample failure:

Expected:  Any number of [O, CN]
Actual:    [L, O, CN]

Checks that sampled certified does not contain any other DN components than the allowed

Sample failure:

Expected:  Any number of [O, CN]
Actual:    [L, O, CN]

Checks that the DN parts in the certificate are as the values specified in the configuration if they exists in the certificate.
If a component specified in the configuration exists in the certificate it must have the same value(s) as specified.

Sample failure:

Expected:  the following to be as specified [C, O]
Actual:    was different [C, O]
Details:   [C=[SE],[NO], O=[PrimeKey],[CESeCore]]    

Checks that the DN parts in the certificate are as the values specified in the configuration if they exists in the certificate.
If a component specified in the configuration exists in the certificate it must have the same value(s) as specified.

Sample failure:

Expected:  the following to be as specified [C, O]
Actual:    was different [O]
Details:   [O=[PrimeKey],[CESeCore]]    

Compares the values of the DN components configured to be identical.
The same number of each component and with the same value(s) as in the template must exist in the certificate.

Sample failure:

Expected:  the following to be identical [ST, C, L]
Actual:    was different [ST]
Details:   [ST=[Sweden],[Norway]]    

Compares the values of the DN components configured to be identical.
The same number of each component and with the same value(s) as in the template must exist in the certificate.

Sample failure:

Expected:  the following to be identical [ST, C, L]
Actual:    was different [C]
Details:   [C=[SE],[NO]]

Checks that those DN components that are given in the configuration and are present in the certificate are in the right order. Any additional DN components in the certificate or in the configuration are ignored.

Sample failure:

Expected:  the following components to be in the this order [CN, O, C]
Actual:    [C, O, CN]
Details:   [O was not supposed to be before C]

Checks that those DN components that are given in the configuration and are present in the certificate are in the right order. Any additional DN components in the certificate or in the configuration are ignored.

Sample failure:

Expected:  the following components to be in the this order [CN, O, C]
Actual:    [C, CN, O]
Details:   [CN was not supposed to be before C]

Checks that the notAfter date is at least the specified number of hours in the future

Sample failure:

Expected:  'notAfter' at least 4380 hours in future (earliest valid is 2013-02-14 00:13:11 UTC)
Actual:    4379 hours in future (2013-02-13 23:13:11 UTC)
Details:   Current time: 2012-08-15 12:13:11 UTC

Checks that the notAfter date is not more than a specified number of hours in the future

Sample failure:

Expected:  'notAfter' not more than 4380 hours in future (last valid is 2013-02-14 00:07:14 UTC)
Actual:    4381 hours in the future (2013-02-14 01:07:14 UTC)
Details:   Current time: 2012-08-15 12:07:14 UTC

Checks that the notBefore date is not more than a specified number of minutes from now

Sample failure:

Expected:  not more than 4380 minutes from now
Actual:    -5000 minutes
Current time: 2012-08-10 07:09:03 UTC
notBefore:    2012-08-13 18:29:03 UTC

Compares the public key specification

Sample failure:

Expected:  bitLength=1024
Actual:    bitLength=2048

Compares the public key algorithm

Sample failure:

Expected:  EC
Actual:    RSA

Compares the signature algorithm

Sample failure:

Expected:  1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
Actual:    1.2.840.113549.1.1.11

Checks that the same critical extensions OIDs are present

Sample failure:

Expected:  []
Actual:    [,]

Checks that the same non-critical extensions OIDs are present

Sample failure:

Expected:  []
Actual:    []

Checks that the configured extension values are identical

Sample failure:

Expected:  Identical values for [,]
Actual:    Different values for []
OCSP checks

Outputs whether a response was received from the expected signer or not.
Notice that this check will be performed regardless if it is specified or not as if there are no response from the correct responder none of the other tests can run. However, include this check to get the result in the report.

Sample failure:

Expected:  Response from signer with subject DN: "CN=OCSPSigner1 MyCA1,OU=The Unit,O=The organization,L=Stockholm,C=SE"
Actual:    Got 3 responses from other responders: [CN=MyCA1,O=EJBCA Support,C=SE, CN=MyCA1,O=EJBCA Support,C=SE, 
           CN=MyCA1,O=EJBCA Support,C=SE]
           Got 2 query errors: [Connection refused, Connection refused]

Runs the configured checks for the signer certificate.

Sample failure:

Expected:  All configured certificate checks to succeed
Actual:    At least one certificate check failed
Details:   See the individual checks for details.

Validates the signer certificate chain

Sample failure:

Expected:  Valid certificate chain
Actual:    Verification error
Details:   Signature does not match.
Certificate to be verified: CN=Sub sub CA 1
Issuer certificate: CN=Responder Sub CA 1
Complete chain:
   0: 0x76782bc186c29f0e CN=Sub sub CA 1 issued by CN=Sub CA 1
   1: 0x392407a31a050b2 CN=Responder Sub CA 1 issued by CN=Root CA 1
   2: 0x1cbb40cd1664b95e CN=Root CA 1 issued by CN=Root CA 1

Checks that the returned certificate status is the expected

Sample failure:

Expected:  revoked
Actual:    unknown

Checks that the nonce in the response matches the request.
As a special case, if configured to not send a nonce the check checks that no nonce is present in the response.

Sample failure:

Expected:  Same nonce in response as in request
Actual:    No nonce in response

Verifies the signature

Sample failure:

Expected:  consistent signature
Actual:    inconsistent signature
Details:   the signature did not be verified correctly

Checks that the response was returned within the configured max time

Sample failure:

Expected:  responseTime <= 5000
Actual:    responseTime = 6137

Checks that all required extensions are in the response.
Also add this extensions to the list of allowed if that check is also used.

Sample failure:

Expected:  [,]
Actual:    []

Checks that only allowed extensions are in the response.
Also add the required extensions to this list if that check is also used. Also if a nonce is used the OID for nonce ( should be included.

Sample failure:

Expected:  Any of []
Actual:    [,]



  • The tool is independent of EJBCA version.
  • Configuration properties are validated before the testing starts.

OCSP Specific

  • The OCSP command works as a real OCSP client sending requests to the configured OCSP responder(s).
  • The OCSP client can query multiple servers by specifying multiple "url" arguments at the command line. In addition if multiple responders are behind an load balancer or VIP the queries in the CA configuration files can be configured to look for responses from specific responders by specifying the signer certificate subject DN. Then only responses from that responder will be considered.
  • The maximum number of tries to perform to get a response for a query from a particular responder is configurable at the command line by specifying the maxtries argument.
  • Querying for multiple CAs on each server by supplying multiple CA configuration files. New files can easily be created and supplied at the command line when invoking the tool.
  • Querying one OK, one revoked and one unknown certificate, as configured, from each CA by specifying multiple queries in the CA configuration file with different expected status for different certificates. The check OcspCheck_ExpectedStatus verifies that the status is the expected and OcspCheck_ExpectedSigner outputs if a response was received from the expected responder.
  • Verifying that the returned certificate chain in the OCSP response is good by adding the check called OcspCheck_CertificateChain.
    A basic certificate chain check is performed with the configured issuer certificate as trust anchor. More complex chains or chains where the responder certificate is not signed by the configured issuer might fail.
  • Verifying that the returned OCSP response verifies by adding the check called OcspCheck_Response_verify.
  • Verifying that the OCSP response is returned timely (configurable max time) by adding the check called OcspCheck_Response_time.
  • Verifying the nonce if configured to use one by adding the check called OcspCheck_Nonce.
  • Verifying that the right extensions are used by adding the checks called OcspCheck_Extensions_required and OcspCheck_Extensions_allowed.
  • The signer certificate can be validated with the same set of checks and configuration as with the certificate checks tool by adding the check called OcspCheck_SignerCertificate and configure it with the name of a certificate checks configuration file.

Certificate Specific

  • The tool is configured with a configuration file pointing out a template certificate that can be used by the different checks to compare the certificates against. The configuration file also contains details about which checks to perform.
  • Certificates could be exported from EJBCA to the configured certificate folder for instance using a publisher.
  • Verifying that the sampled certificates are identical to the template certificate (except for dynamic values) by adding the check called CertCheck_Certificate_identical.
  • Verifying that the sampled certificates contains issuer and subject DN components that are configured to be required by adding the checks called CertCheck_SubjectDNComponents_required and CertCheck_IssuerDNComponents_required.
  • Verifying that the sampled certificates does not contain other DN components than required or optional by by adding the checks called CertCheck_SubjectDNComponents_allowed and CertCheck_IssuerDNComponents_allowed and configure it with the list of allowed DN components, that is both the required and optional ones.
  • Verifying that the certificate contains the specified values for DN components that must be the same, i.e. O=PrimeKey,C=SE, by adding the checks called CertCheck_SubjectDNComponents_specified and CertCheck_IssuerDNComponents_specified and specify the DN parts or add the checks CertCheck_SubjectDNComponents_identical and CertCheck_IssuerDNComponents_identical to required the values of the specified DN components to be identical to those in the template certificate.
  • Verifying that the validity end date is at least a configurable number of hours in the future by adding the check called CertCheck_ValidityNotAfter_minRemaining.
  • Verifying that the validity end date is not more than a configurable number of hours in the future by adding the check called CertCheck_ValidityNotAfter_maxRemaining.
  • Verifying that the validity start date is not more than a configurable number of minutes from now by adding the check called CertCheck_ValidityNotBefore_maxDiffFromNow.
  • Verifying that the public key specification (ie. key length for RSA) is the same as in the template by adding the check called CertCheck_PublicKey_sizeEquals.
  • Verifying that the public key algorithm is the same as in the template by adding the check called CertCheck_PublicKey_algorithmEquals.
  • Verifying that the signature algorithm is the same as in the template by adding the check called CertCheck_Signature_algorithmEquals.
  • Verifying that the same extensions are used in the certificate as in the template and that they have the same criticality but not necessarily the same value by adding the checks called CertCheck_Extensions_criticalOIDs and CertCheck_Extensions_nonCriticalOIDs
  • Verifying the extensions that are configured to be identical by adding the check CertCheck_Extensions_identical which compares the DER encoded values of the extensions in the certificate with those in the template.
  • Verifying that the subject and issuer DN are in the correct order by adding the checks called SubjectDNOrder_specified and IssuerDNOrder_specified and specify the order of the DN components.
  • The tool runs as long as there are certificate files in the configured directory. When a file is analyzed, then the output is written to log files and the analyzed file is deleted. When there are no more certificate files in the configured directory, the application sleeps for a while (as configured) before checking if there are some more certificates to validate.
  • To make it less likely a certificate file is being analyzed before it has been completely written to disk new files will not be read until their last modified time is more than configured time in the past (for instance 2 seconds).